Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Incredibles

A very important scene in The Incredibles movie is when Mr. Incredible is fighting the last drone. He is finally getting beat by the drone. As the Drone is about to terminate Mr. Incredible, Buddy who is the villain came and stopped it. A flash back of one time back when Buddy was little Mr. Incredible was about to capture a villain when Buddy came and ruined it all. Buddy wanted to be Mr. Incredible’s side kick in frustration Mr. Incredible said, “No, I work alone.” Which started the hatred for Mr. Incredible and his want to terminate him.  So when the drone captured Mr. Incredible, Buddy came and stopped it but instead of just letting him go he began to start beating him too. Then Buddy made the mistake to fling Mr. Incredible over the trees. Then Mr. Incredible jumps off the cliff into the water. Buddy sends a bomb down into the water to kill Mr. Incredible but he sees it and swims away just in time. Buddy then sends down another drone to check for living things into the water. Mr. Incredible sees it and hides behind a different superhero that Buddy had killed while it was scanning the area so it didn’t detect him. The scanner came up with no life so Buddy thinks he terminated Mr. Incredible. This is very important scene in the movie because Buddy thinks that Mr. Incredible is dead. Now without Mr. Incredible in his way he can take over the world, but since he is still alive and so is his family they will be able to surprise Buddy when he tries to destroy everything and beat him. Although Mr. Incredible got his butt whooped he now knows some of the plans that Buddy is trying to accomplish. He wanted to create a drone that would not be defeated by any superhero.

1 comment:

  1. That scene was pretty intense, especially for a kids movie in my opinion! I thought it was interesting how the theme of Mr. Incredible "working alone" came up multiple times throughout the movie.
