Monday, April 13, 2015


I think that the movie trailer captured most of the main points in Blankets. From his struggles, lonesomeness, faith, and love. All of these topics are main points in the story. The trailer is created in a way that would make a person want to know what is going on throughout his life. Giving some important quotes in the trailer makes it more interesting and causes someone to be curious about what is going on throughout the entire story. Also, at the end of the trailer it tells you to go check it out at the library along with telling the awards it has won. This alone makes people want to read the book because books don't get awards for being bad.

If I was to make a trailer for Blankets it would be very similar to this. It was done very well. One part I would keep out would be that it is made in many different languages because all text can be translated. Otherwise it was a good trailer and the creator did well.

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