Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Talladega Nights

My favorite movie is Talladega Nights because it is hilarious. Ricky Bobby has to ride around with a wild cougar in his car. He also has a smoking hot wife that ends up having sex with his best friend/driving partner. The both of them were know for the famous shake and bake where they would pass every car on the track and allow Ricky Bobby to win. Then a racer from Italy comes and challenges Ricky and when they are at the bar the Italian racer threatens Ricky Bobby to kiss the table or he will break his arm and Ricky Bobby isn't a wimp to give up so he got his arm snapped. Also, after Ricky Bobby's devastating crash he was afraid to drive fast. So his old man told him that he taped a kilo of cocaine under the car and that he called the cops. After Ricky Bobby lost the cops he looked under the car to find a bag of lucky charms. IF YOU'RE NOT FIRST, YOU'RE LAST!

1 comment:

  1. I've only seen bits and pieces of this movie, but it sounds funny! Comedy movies are great because you can just relax and laugh without having to think too hard about the plot.
