Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I thought it was interesting that during the first week of the no computers or texting the students didn't mind and thought it was a fun experience, but as soon as the second and third week came they were getting very frustrated and annoyed because they were so far behind in classes and could not communicate with others . The girls response surprised me because she wanted to go an extra week even though she knew it was already very difficult for her. All three students could have their cell phones. Back in 2007 they must not have been able to get onto the internet like we can on ours now which would make this documentary difficult for us. We can go on Facebook, email and the internet with a touch of one app on our phones and a lot of times we do it now without even thinking about it. I personally think that very few teenagers and young adults would be able to go three weeks without using the internet because nearly everything is done by computer. Our reliance on the internet is only increasing. Most of our assignments are on the internet or are done via computer everyday. I think those three students showed tons of discipline and hard work to keep up with their studies without the use of technology.

1 comment:

  1. They did fall very far behind which would be really hard for me if I had to do that. Like you said, our assignments are done on the computer everyday and it really would be almost impossible for current students to not use the internet if they want to stay caught up in their classes.
