Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Music Playlist

Shad-Rapp cover photo for album http://images.artistdirect.com/Images/Sources/AMGCOVERS/music/cover200/dre200/e283/e283532wo3n.jpg

My Playlist
1. U Can't Catch Fish- Shad-Rapp
2. Da Turdy Point Buck- Bananas at Large
3. Boys Round Here- Blake Shelton
4. Chicks Dig It- Chris Cagle
5. I Hate College- Wiz Kalifa

I picked these songs for my playlist because they represent my life in a nutshell. My favorite hobbies are to hunt and fish. I also like to go out with my friends to have a good time. Since I've been in college its been a great time. Overall, its a one of a kind playlist that represents my life perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. Good choice of songs. Anything country is a good song in my opinion, especially by Blake Shelton. I'm familiar with all the songs except for the last one. Is it supposed to be ironic that you added a song "I hate college" when you like college? I will have to listen to it!
